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Frequently asked questions

  • Where are the nearest Airports
    Granada - 1Hr 20Min Almeria - 1Hr 40Min Murcia - 1Hr 55Min Malaga - 2Hr 25Min Alicante - 2Hr 25Min
  • Do we need a car?
    Transport is a must as we are situated in a rural area, plus there are so many beautiful places to visit.
  • Is the swimming pool private?
    The swimming pool is for the use of all our guests. It is situated in our garden area and private from the public.
  • Can we drink the tap water?
    You can drink the tap water, it is perfectly safe.
  • Where are the nearest Restaurants/Bars/Shopping
    Castillejar - 10Min Benamaurel - 10Min Baza - 25Min (Larger supermarkets)
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